Monday, July 16, 2007

Production Blog 9

Greeetings everyone. I'm here this morning to bring some very good news. The Rough Draft/Shooting Draft of the script is complete. I finished it last night around 9:30pm, yet i waited to post the news untill i had sent two copies to the mian actors (Phillip Willis and Nathan Willis). I told everyone it would be finished by the 18th, but I made it three days early. Score. I know I had said that i was nearing completion of the script back in June...but I kept adding more and more meat to the script, trying to flesh out the characters and add as much visceral action as possible. I did just that, and that's the reason why the script took longer than originally announced.

So here we go guys, we are underway. Blood demos are being conducted tomorrow at Unit K with Bob and John Forward, my long-time associates, so expect some excellent results as usual. I will be bringing my handy Digital 8 and will be capturing everything for a video entry for Production Blog 10. Starting double digits. hahaha. sweet.

Anyway, this is where things start to get intense, as schedules need to be put in place and positions and roles need to be filled. Let's just hope everything falls into place.

First production meeting with cast and crew will be sooner than expected, which is very good news because that therefore gives us more time to get things situated.

Allright well, Apple Camp is continuing here at work, so there's a bunch of little rascals running around in yellow shirts.

Have a great day, and let's make a good movie.


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