Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mariachi-style and the West

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been pretty busy with school and stuff. Anyway, i finally got those Netflix rentals out of my house (Raging Bull and Lost in Translation) and was able to get my next 2 yesterday. I got Desperado and A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints.

Desperado is the fallow up to Robert Rodriguez's $7,000 El Mariachi, and let me say that this is one action film that no one should miss out on. The stylized shots and shooting proccess were so elegently described in his book as "Mariachi- Style." This is a style created by Rodriguez which he dubs as, "solving problems with creativity, not money." I whole-heartedly agree with this concept and i think i am going to try to emulate this as much as possible in the coming productions. If anyone hasn't read his book, Rebel Without A Crew, and consider yourself an independent filmmaker, then shame upon you my dear fellow.

In other news, the Western that Phillip Willis and I are developing is well underway, with the script already running around 7 pages with only the first act started. I think i have a knack for brain vomit and just spill everything out onto the pages. This means i might need to do a hefty amount of editing before we get a shooting draft finished. I'm essentially writing the scipt because all Phillip really had was about 7 pages of notebook paper with a rough concept and some dialogue. The rest is on my shoulders. That's ok though, because I really do love writing.

Anyway, that's it for this week. more updates to come next week.


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